The War Game (EOTWS)

End Of The Week Shorts #40 extract: The War Game (1965)

The War Game is a somewhat interesting BBC television documentary about possible nuclear fallout in Britain during the Cold War. Whilst this was made in 1965, it was deemed too horrifying to be screened, and so was held back for 20 years until it was cleared for broadcasting. 
It is clear why this was considered horrifying thanks to some graphic details, gruesome imagery, worry interviews and dumbfounding facts. However, this is very clearly a contrived document that far too often becomes sensationalist - seemingly with the intention of shocking or fear-mongering. The War Game is then ultimately confounding. It seems to bear graphic truth that would do well in shattering all illusions people may have had of nuclear war. However, it is almost always on the brink of sensationalist ridiculousness. In the end, best taken with a pinch of salt.

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