The Pearl (EOTWS)

End Of The Week Shorts #23 extract: The Pearl (1929)

The Pearl is a magnificent surrealist short, one which projects the structure of the dream quite seamlessly and without much spectacle and distraction (which is not a judgement, for better or for worse, but the approach works very well as this is a very coherent narrative). In such, this follows a man who wants to buy a pearl necklace for his wife, but keeps getting lost on the way to delivering it to her. 
Much like Un Chien Andalou and The Seashell And The Clergyman, The Pearl concerns itself with sexuality and the conflict that can arise between men and women. The result of this is a highly affecting and immersive narrative that feels precariously balanced between chaos and haphazardness. Through association, watching The Pearl can then have you doubt your, or become accusative in, recognising the apparent themes of materialism, hope, infidelity and weakness that clash throughout this story. 
For this, The Peal is a film I certainly recommend.

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