Sebastian Maniscalco: Aren't You Embarrassed? (EOTWS)

End Of The Week Shorts #54 extract: Sebastian Maniscalco: Aren't You Embarrassed? (2014)

I forgot how brilliant this guy is. 
With a stage presence like Dice Clay, if Dice was less disgusted by, and pissed at, the world and more full of angst and confusion, Sebastian Maniscalco whispers and wines his hilarious jokes through grimaces and absurd act-outs. A blend of observational comedy and storytelling, this isn't sharply perceptive, but it is crisply presented; the timing always on-point and the acting brilliant. The only downfall of the special is that Sebastian presents a selection of stories with many characters and strands, but, in the end, leaves many left avenues left unexplored. But, whilst the end then comes abruptly, all this really means is that you're left wanting more. A great hour and a comedy special I highly recommend to all.

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