Magma: Volcanic Disaster (EOTWS)

End Of The Week Shorts #37 extract: Magma: Volcanic Disaster (2006)

Magma: Volcanic Disaster is terrible... but not as terrible as the title would suggest it is. And that is almost all that this movie has going for it. Besides a few genuine, non-amateur moments of dialogue that show that the writer either did a lot of research or took Volcanology as a their major and film studies as a minor, this is rife with 'movie dialogue'. The writers aren't attempting a Tarantino impression however: they rip off the most cliched, vanilla movie dialogue that we've all heard too much and grind it through some mediocre actors before casting aside their performances and overshadowing it with some horrific ADR. And the state of the dialogue should suggest to you much about the qualities of the rest of the film: trope-ridden and badly executed (the CGI is almost torturous). 
Wasn't expecting much from an early morning television movie and I didn't get much. In the end, this wasn't hateable, but I did fall asleep.

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